How to Winterize a Inboard Boat Motor?

If you love spending your summer months on the water with your inboard boat motor, then you’ll want to ensure that your motor is well-protected during the winter months. Winterizing an inboard boat motor is an important part of boat maintenance that will keep your motor in shipshape condition for the coming season. In this article, we’ll go over the steps necessary to winterize your inboard boat motor and keep it running smoothly all year round.

How to Winterize a Inboard Boat Motor?

Preparing to Winterize a Inboard Boat Motor

Winterizing a inboard boat motor is a great way to ensure that it will be ready for the next boating season. This process includes draining the coolant system, replacing the spark plugs, lubricating the engine, and more. Taking the time to properly winterize your boat engine will save you time and money in the long run.

The first step in winterizing a inboard boat motor is to drain the coolant system. This is done by unhooking the coolant lines and running them into a bucket or container. Once the coolant has been drained, the system should be flushed with fresh, clean water. This will help prevent corrosion and mineral buildup in the engine.

The next step is to replace the spark plugs. This should be done every season to ensure that the engine is running at its peak performance. It is important to use the correct size and type of spark plugs for your particular engine. Failure to do so could result in damage to the engine.

Inspecting the Fuel System

Before winterizing a inboard boat motor, it is important to inspect the fuel system. This includes checking the fuel lines for any blockage or leaks. It is also important to check the fuel filter for any dirt or debris. If the fuel filter is clogged, the engine may not be able to run properly.

It is also important to check the fuel tank for any rust or corrosion. If the tank is corroded, it should be cleaned or replaced. This will help ensure that the fuel system is running smoothly and efficiently.

Lubricating the Engine

Once the fuel system has been inspected, the engine should be lubricated. This is done by adding oil to the engine, as well as lubricating the spark plugs and other moving parts. This will help to reduce wear and tear on the engine and will help to keep it running smoothly.

It is also important to check the air filter for any dirt or debris. The air filter should be changed every season to ensure that the engine is getting the proper amount of air. If the air filter is clogged, the engine may not be able to run properly.

Storing the Inboard Boat Motor

When storing a inboard boat motor, it is important to make sure that it is well protected. This can be done by covering the engine with a tarp or other waterproof material. This will help to keep out moisture and dirt, which can cause damage to the engine.

It is also important to store the engine in a cool, dry place. This will help to prevent the engine from overheating and help to prevent corrosion. If possible, the engine should be stored on a stand or in a container to keep it elevated off the ground.

Adding Fuel Stabilizer

Before storing the engine for the winter, it is important to add fuel stabilizer to the fuel tank. This will help to keep the fuel from breaking down and will help to keep the engine running smoothly. The fuel stabilizer should be added according to the instructions on the bottle.

It is also important to disconnect the battery from the engine before storing it for the winter. This will help to prevent corrosion and will help to keep the engine running smoothly. The battery should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Testing the Engine

Before storing the engine for the winter, it is important to test it to ensure that it is running properly. This can be done by taking the boat out on the water and running the engine at full throttle. If the engine is running properly, it is ready for storage.

It is also important to check the oil levels before storing the engine. The oil should be changed every season to ensure that the engine is running properly. If the oil levels are low, the engine should be topped off with the proper type and weight of oil.

Connecting the Battery

Before the engine can be used again during the next boating season, the battery must be reconnected. This is done by connecting the positive and negative terminals of the battery. It is important to make sure that the terminals are properly connected and that the battery is secure.

It is also important to check the fluid levels in the engine before starting it. This includes checking the oil, coolant, and fuel levels. If any of these levels are low, they should be topped off with the proper type and weight of fluid.

Starting the Engine

Once the battery is reconnected and the fluid levels are checked, the engine can be started. This should be done slowly and gradually to ensure that the engine is running properly. The engine should be inspected for any leaks or other problems before taking the boat out on the water.

It is also important to check the spark plugs before starting the engine. The spark plugs should be replaced every season to ensure that the engine is running at its peak performance. If the spark plugs are clogged or worn, they should be replaced with new ones.


Winterizing a inboard boat motor is a great way to ensure that it will be ready for the next boating season. This process includes draining the coolant system, replacing the spark plugs, lubricating the engine, and more. Taking the time to properly winterize your boat engine will save you time and money in the long run.

Few Frequently Asked Questions

What is Winterizing a Boat Motor?

Winterizing a boat motor is the process of preparing the motor for storage during the winter season, or periods of inactivity. It includes draining the fluids, changing the oil, and cleaning the engine components. This helps to prevent damage from cold temperatures and moisture, ensuring that the motor is ready to run in the spring.

How Do I Prepare for Winterizing a Boat Motor?

Before winterizing a boat motor, it is important to inspect the boat thoroughly. This includes checking the propeller, shaft, and other moving parts for any signs of wear or damage. It is also important to check the fuel and oil filters, as well as the spark plugs, to make sure they are in good condition. Additionally, the boat should be cleaned and all the necessary supplies should be gathered, such as antifreeze, oil, and grease.

What Steps Should I Take to Winterize a Boat Motor?

Once the boat is prepared, the winterizing process can begin. The first step is to drain the fuel system, including the fuel tank and fuel lines. This will help prevent the fuel from clogging the engine. Next, the oil should be changed, followed by the spark plugs. After that, all the necessary fluids, such as grease and antifreeze, should be added to the engine. Finally, the motor should be covered and the boat should be stored in a dry, sheltered location.

What Other Maintenance Should I Do When Winterizing a Boat Motor?

In addition to the steps mentioned above, there are a few other maintenance tasks that should be completed when winterizing a boat motor. This includes checking the battery for any signs of wear or damage, as well as lubricating all the moving parts. Additionally, the propeller should be inspected and any necessary repairs should be made. Finally, the boat should be given a thorough cleaning before being stored for the winter.

What Should I Avoid When Winterizing a Boat Motor?

When winterizing a boat motor, it is important to avoid using a pressure washer or any other type of high-pressure cleaning device. This can cause damage to the motor, as well as the boat itself. Additionally, it is important to avoid running the motor without the proper fluids. This can lead to overheating and engine damage.

What Are the Benefits of Winterizing a Boat Motor?

Winterizing a boat motor can help extend the life of the motor, as well as the boat itself. The winterizing process helps to protect the motor from the cold temperatures and moisture, which can cause damage over time. Additionally, it helps to ensure that the motor is ready to run in the spring, reducing the risk of costly repairs or breakdowns.

Fast/Free Way To Winterize Your BOAT Mercrusier OMC I/O ” The Lazy Way”

Winterizing your inboard boat motor is an important step towards protecting it against corrosion and damage caused by the cold. Not only does it help maintain the boat’s condition and performance, but it also helps you stay safe and enjoy your time on the water. With just a few simple steps and a little bit of time, you can successfully winterize your inboard boat motor and ensure that it is ready for a safe and enjoyable boating season.

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