How to Cite a Television Show?

Do you need to cite a television show in an essay, research paper, or other academic document? Citing a television show correctly is an important part of academic writing and can help you avoid accusations of plagiarism. Fortunately, citing a television show is relatively straightforward and doesn’t require too much effort. In this article, you will learn how to properly cite a television show according to MLA, APA, and Chicago style guidelines.

How to Cite a Television Show?

Using MLA Format to Cite a Television Show

Citing a television show can be a difficult task, especially when using the Modern Language Association (MLA) style. The MLA style is most often used in literature and language papers, and it requires specific formatting for a variety of sources. Television shows, like films, have their own unique rules when it comes to citing them. This guide will provide an overview of how to cite a television show using MLA format.

When citing a television show, it is important to remember that the style of the citation will differ depending on whether the show is a television series or a single episode. For a television series, the citation should include the title of the show, the network or distributor, the year of release, and the format (e.g. DVD, streaming service, etc.). For a single episode, the citation should include the title of the episode, the title of the series, the network or distributor, the year of release, and the format.

Citing a Television Series in MLA Format

When citing a television series in MLA format, the citation should include the title of the show, the network or distributor, the year of release, and the format. The format of the citation should follow the following format:

  • Title of series. Network or distributor, Year of release (if available). Format.

For example, the citation for the popular television series Friends would look like this:

  • Friends. NBC, 1994-2004. Television.

If the show is available on a streaming service, the name of the streaming service should be included in the citation. For example, the citation for the show BoJack Horseman, which is available on Netflix, would look like this:

  • BoJack Horseman. Netflix, 2014-2020. Streaming.

Citing a Single Episode in MLA Format

When citing a single episode of a television series, the citation should include the title of the episode, the title of the series, the network or distributor, the year of release, and the format. The format of the citation should follow the following format:

  • Episode title. Title of series. Network or distributor, Year of release (if available). Format.

For example, the citation for the episode “The One With the Prom Video” from the series Friends would look like this:

  • “The One With the Prom Video.” Friends. NBC, 1996. Television.

If the show is available on a streaming service, the name of the streaming service should be included in the citation. For example, the citation for the episode “The Telescope” from the show BoJack Horseman, which is available on Netflix, would look like this:

  • “The Telescope.” BoJack Horseman. Netflix, 2018. Streaming.

In-Text Citations for Television Shows

In-text citations for television shows should include the name of the series or episode, as well as the year of release. For example, if a sentence in the paper references the show Friends, the in-text citation would look like this: (Friends, 1994). If a sentence references a specific episode of the show, the in-text citation would look like this: (“The One With the Prom Video,” Friends, 1996).

Citing a Television Show on a Works Cited Page

When citing a television show on a works cited page, the citation should include the title of the show, the network or distributor, the year of release, and the format. The format of the citation should follow the same format as outlined above.

For example, the citation for the television series Friends would look like this:

  • Friends. NBC, 1994-2004. Television.

The citation for the episode “The One With the Prom Video” from the series Friends would look like this:

  • “The One With the Prom Video.” Friends. NBC, 1996. Television.

The citation for the show BoJack Horseman, which is available on Netflix, would look like this:

  • BoJack Horseman. Netflix, 2014-2020. Streaming.

The citation for the episode “The Telescope” from the show BoJack Horseman, which is available on Netflix, would look like this:

  • “The Telescope.” BoJack Horseman. Netflix, 2018. Streaming.

Top 6 Frequently Asked Questions

What is the General Format for Citing a Television Show?

The general format for citing a television show follows the MLA 8th edition guidelines and requires the following information: the title of the show, the creator of the show, the network on which the show aired, the year it was released, and the format. For example, for the show Friends, this would be cited as follows: Friends. Created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman. NBC. 1994-2004. Television.

How Should I Write the Title of a Television Show?

When writing the title of a television show, it should be italicized and capitalized. This means that the first letter of all major words should be capitalized and the entire title should be in italics. For example, the title Friends should be written as Friends.

Do I Need to Include the Episode Title?

No, you do not need to include the episode title when citing a television show. If you are citing a specific episode, however, then you should include the episode title, as well as the season and episode number.

Do I Need to Include the Network?

Yes, you do need to include the network when citing a television show. This is important because it helps readers identify the exact show you are citing. For example, the show Friends aired on NBC, so this should be included in the citation.

How Do I Cite a Television Show in APA Style?

When citing a television show in APA style, you should include the title of the show, the creator of the show, the network on which it aired, the year it was released, and the format. For example, for the show Friends, this would be cited as follows: Crane, D., & Kauffman, M. (Producers). (1994-2004). Friends [Television series]. NBC.

Do I Need to Cite a Television Show if I’m Not Quoting It?

Yes, you should still cite a television show even if you are not quoting it directly. Citing a source gives readers the information they need to find the source and verify the accuracy of your work. It also helps you avoid plagiarism and gives credit to the creators of the show.

How to Cite a Television Series in MLA Format 9th edition

Citing a television show may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be – with some basic understanding of the formatting rules and the right tools, you can easily cite a television show in any style. Whether you’re citing the show in a paper, a presentation, or an online post, you can rest assured that you’re giving proper credit and following the formatting rules. With a little practice, citing a television show can be a breeze!

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